Lemmata Chiropractic
Discover A New Level Of Wellness
Quality Service
Welcome to our office! Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, Lemmata Chiropractic emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness, if they could. This is one of the main reasons for the big surge in the popularity of our wellness center.
Lemmata comes from the root word lemma, which means “a proven method for better results.” At Lemmata Chiropractic we are focused on using proven methods for the patient’s best interests and to improve their health.
Please take the time to meet our doctors and team dedicated to improving your health. We look forward to working with you and hope you will soon begin to feel the same sense of pride that we take in our office.
Office Hours
Monday: 8am-5pm
Tuesday: 8am-5pm
Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Thursday: 8am-5pm
Friday: 8am-1pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Common Conditions We Treat

Low Back Pain

Headaches & Migraines


Neck Pain

Joint Pain

Carpal Tunnel
